is world’s largest coffee retailer, specially whole bean coffees.
similar products, cheaper.
- McDonald, Dunkin’ Donuts.
- Tea, soft drinks, juices.
- Coffee beans ( choose suppliers based on quality, environmental and economic issues).
- Coffee beans can be produced only in certain geographical areas ( tropical highlands of the western Hemisphere-Brazil).
- Compete with Starbucks is low, because market is highly saturated and substantial amount of financial resources associated with buildings and properties are required in order to enter into the industry.
- Large variety of products.
- Coffee lovers, coffee drinkers.
chain models
Primary activity
- in-store wireless network to run store operation and to connect to the company’s private corporate network systems
- Starbucks card system.
- Advertising through social media.
Support activities
Human resources
- Workforce planning system
- Reduce
amount of time each employee spends marking a drink.
2) What is starbucks business strategy? What assess the role played by technology in
this business strategy?
- Product differentiation strategy.
- High quality of products.
- Helpful customer service.
- Premium price.
- Customer friendly baristas.
- In-store technology ( 4 store designs ).
- Free Wi-Fi wireless network.
Role of technology
- In-store technology help to improving in-the store experience.
- Free Wi-Fi wireless network attract more customers, customer who use “Starbucks Digital Network” portal will receive free Wall Street Journal access, select free iTunes downloads and variety of other content.
- Customer service will improve relationship with customers.
- Smartphone app make customers to pay money in easy method.
- Smartphone app integrated with the Starbucks Card System which allows customers to pay with a pre-paid and rechargeable card.
- All the app and Starbucks site is available for all major smartphones operating systems.
3) How much has technology helped starbucks compete?
helped compete
- 4 store designs
- One for each of four stages of coffee marking
- Each store with its colour, combinations, lighting scheme
- Mobile applications
- Wi-Fi ( free )
- Starbucks Digital Network
- In-store displays
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